Friday, November 7, 2008

Kamchatka Project on Facebook

You can now become a fan of the Kamchatka Project on Facebook

If you have a Facebook account please join us here. This is an exponential way to stay in contact and we look forward to keeping everyone up to speed as the Kamchatka Project continues to develop. Facebook is an excellent way to connect , and share our expedition. If you know someone who would be interested in the Kamchatka Project, please invite them to join us at the Kamchatka Project fan page

Thanks for all of your support!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Russian Stand

Hours after Obama won the presidency last night, President Dmitry Medvedev promised to install missile launchers capable of hitting American soil if the US doesn't back out of Bush's missile-defense program. Those missile launchers would most likely be installed on -- you guessed it -- Kamchatka Peninsula. I have a feeling Obama knows better than to get entrenched in Cold War part deux.

On the bright side, Medvedev granted Obama a 'fresh-start' with Moscow. Let's hope this guy is as smart as we all think he is, and takes on this diplomatic challenge with ease.

Read the NY Times article here:

Fundraising Launch

In order to make the Kamchatka Project possible, we are relying on small donors to fund our project. We chose this method over pursuing 1 big sponsor or grant because they goal of the project is to educated as many people as possible about Kamchatka. At midnight on Nov. 4th we sent out over 3,000 emails to friends and family asking for their support. The response so far has been astounding. People from all over the country have been donating money and asking for other ways to get involved in the expedition. Stay tuned to this blog for more information on how to contribute to The Kamchatka Project.

Don't forget to sign up for our blog at:

Thank you so much for all of your support,