Friday, November 7, 2008

Kamchatka Project on Facebook

You can now become a fan of the Kamchatka Project on Facebook

If you have a Facebook account please join us here. This is an exponential way to stay in contact and we look forward to keeping everyone up to speed as the Kamchatka Project continues to develop. Facebook is an excellent way to connect , and share our expedition. If you know someone who would be interested in the Kamchatka Project, please invite them to join us at the Kamchatka Project fan page

Thanks for all of your support!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Russian Stand

Hours after Obama won the presidency last night, President Dmitry Medvedev promised to install missile launchers capable of hitting American soil if the US doesn't back out of Bush's missile-defense program. Those missile launchers would most likely be installed on -- you guessed it -- Kamchatka Peninsula. I have a feeling Obama knows better than to get entrenched in Cold War part deux.

On the bright side, Medvedev granted Obama a 'fresh-start' with Moscow. Let's hope this guy is as smart as we all think he is, and takes on this diplomatic challenge with ease.

Read the NY Times article here:

Fundraising Launch

In order to make the Kamchatka Project possible, we are relying on small donors to fund our project. We chose this method over pursuing 1 big sponsor or grant because they goal of the project is to educated as many people as possible about Kamchatka. At midnight on Nov. 4th we sent out over 3,000 emails to friends and family asking for their support. The response so far has been astounding. People from all over the country have been donating money and asking for other ways to get involved in the expedition. Stay tuned to this blog for more information on how to contribute to The Kamchatka Project.

Don't forget to sign up for our blog at:

Thank you so much for all of your support,

Monday, October 27, 2008

The Joy of Fishing

I just got a note from friend John Waller, a videographer from Hood River, directing me to a video some of his friends recently filmed for The Joy of Fishing video series. The trailer they recently released is just a little bit inspiring.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Meeting with Wild Salmon Center

Jay, Ethan, Roman, Rob, & Tricia at WSC headquarters Photo: Guido Rahr

Yesterday afternoon Jay, Rob, and I had a super productive meeting with a few folks at the Wild Salmon Center in Portland.

The Wild Salmon Center's stated mission is to: "identify, understand and protect the best wild salmon ecosystems of the Pacific Rim. We devise and implement practical strategies, based on the best science, to protect forever these extraordinary places and their biodiversity." One of their major focus areas is Kamchatka, home to between a sixth and a quarter of the world's salmon breeding grounds, where they work closely with Russian NGO Wild Fishes and Biodiversity Foundation to research and protect salmon and other fish habitats in many of the pristine watersheds throughout the peninsula.

WSC's direct involvement with the rivers of this relatively mysterious peninsula, their extremely successful research and conservation campaigns, and the proximity of their headquarters to us in Oregon made them appear as an obvious partner to us from the first conversations we've had about the Kamchatka Project.

We've been brainstorming about how to shape this expedition for a little over a month now, and have gotten pretty excited about focusing on salmon-related conservation for several reasons. First, all five of us on the expedition reside in ecosystems defined by Pacific salmon, and lead lives that are directly related to these fish. As kayakers, we go the same places, do many of the same things, and are affected by the same policies and technologies that affect these cornerstone species. Second, salmon are the primary factor driving the economy of Kamchatka. From everything we've learned, it would be impossible to go to the peninsula and NOT focus on salmon. From legal fishing operations, to subsistence harvesting, to sport fishing, to poaching for caviar, nearly all of Kamchatka's residents have a long term vested interest in keeping their streams healthy. And as home to between a sixth and a quarter of the entire world's salmon stocks, Kamchatka deserves the attention of us all. Third, by giving the story of the Kamchatka Project a broader focus than kayaking alone, we exponentially increase our target audience of media outlets and potential donors.
More to come...

Getting the Website in Gear

I'm slowly getting the website at up and running.. although we have a lot of pieces yet to fill in. This morning I fixed all the code that wasn't working with Internet Explorer and Chrome; so all you PC folk, rejoice!

Our official contact address is now For now, this will forward to Rob and me. In time, we'll figure out one person to be in charge of this address.

Friday, October 17, 2008


Welcome to the Kamchatka Project blog! Join us as we venture to the wildest place on earth.